Hey there!

Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Today, I am thinking of going a bit deeper into the directions related to Kua numbers and how they can be used to improve your life.

As you know, every individual is assigned a Kua number, based on their date of birth. This Kua number can be from 1 to 9.

These Kua numbers can be divided into two groups: East group and West group.

Kua numbers: 1,3, 4, and 9 fall into the East group.

Kua numbers: 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 fall into the West group.

Every Kua number has four good directions and four not-so-good directions.

Each of these directions have a specific meaning connected to it.

Let’s have a look at the good directions today.

The four good directions are as follows:

Sheng Chi or the Success direction

Tien Yi or the Health direction

Nien Yen or the Love and relationship direction

Fu Wei or the Personal development direction.

The first thing you need to do is to find out your Kua number.

I am sharing the formula to calculate your Kua number here to make it easier for you to start using it straight away. The example explains how to calculate the Kua number for females as well as for males.

Follow the steps given here if you are a female and calculate your Kua number:

For males, the calculation is a little different:

Once you have got your Kua number you can work out your good and not-so-good directions.

You will be using these directions all the time so it is a good idea to memorise them, especially the good directions.

Now, let’s look at the different directions and aspirations for each Kua number.

Now you have all the pieces of the puzzle and you can start using it to benefit you, everyday.

Let’s pick a Kua Number to see how we can use these directions in our day-to-day life and improve our lives.

But before you do that I would like you to think of what is it that you really want to improve in your life.

Are you looking at improving your finances or is it good health that is on top of your list.

It will be a good idea to take a moment (or two) and jot down all the things that you want to achieve, you can have short term as well as long term goals on your list.

Once you have done that, we focus on the relevant direction that corresponds to your goal.

For example, if you want your business to do better and want to improve your finances, you would be looking at your success direction. If you want better health, then the direction involved will be Tien Yi or the Health direction, and so on…

Hopefully you have understood all the steps that I have shared till now.

Once you have written down your aspirations and prioritised them and you know the related compass directions for your Kua number, you can start using these directions to help create the luck you want to achieve.

If you want more money, and your Kua number is 1, you check your Sheng Chi or Success direction, which is Southeast, and you tap into it by facing it at work, or while in a meeting etc.

If the same person wants to improve their overall health, then they should sleep with their head pointing towards their Tien Yi or Health direction.

If they are looking at finding love or just want to improve their existing relationship with their spouse or others, then they can face their Nien Yen or Love and relationship direction when they meet new people or while having dinner.

If this person wants to improve their grades at school or university, then they should study facing their Fu Wei or Personal development direction.

Hence, depending on what you want to achieve in life, you use the related compass direction to create the energy to make it happen quicker.

Feng Shui is very simple to apply but to benefit from its energy one needs to have an open mind. It is very easy to criticise something without trying it out first. If you have not tried it, you really cannot say if it actually works or not.

I have been asked many times if Feng Shui works for people who do not believe in it?

And my answer is ‘Yes’.

Feng Shui creates a balance of energy in a space. When we have the right balance, the space automatically starts bringing good luck to the residents. The belief or non-belief doesn’t really effect Feng Shui.

But, in saying that, people who do not believe in Feng Shui will not apply it either. So, Feng Shui will not benefit them until they actually apply the tips or remedies.

And, Feng Shui starts working as soon as you apply the remedies in your space and brings amazing results when applied properly.

So, rather than waiting for your luck to change, why not change it today by applying Feng Shui?

Another thing to remember is that Feng Shui can be used to fix most of the problems that you face in your day-to-day life, ranging from health issues, work related problems, financial hardships etc.

If you are suffering from bad luck, it is time to change it and create good luck and a happier life for you. Start using Feng Shui now and watch your life transform right in front of your eyes.

As always, please share my posts with your family and friends and let them benefit from this fascinating philosophy as well.

If you would like to book a consultation with me for your home or business, then get in touch with me either through mail or phone. I offer face-to-face and over the phone/Skype consultations too.

And, if you would like to learn Feng Shui from me, then subscribe to my website and stay up-to-date with all the upcoming courses and workshops.

I look forward to helping you create your dream life by using the magic of Feng Shui.

Warm regards.

Shelly Singh ?

Feng Shui Master Consultant


Phone: +61 448 468 968

Email: shellysingh168@gmail.com

Facebook: Blooming Mushroom International Feng Shui

Instagram: @shellysingh168

Twitter: @shellysingh168

LinkedIn: @shellysingh